Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tipiche ville

Questa e' una tipica villa non lontana da dove viviamo, con verde e piante. Vivendo in un clima cosi' umido e torrenziale, queste tipiche ville in legno sono sopraelevate dal terreno per prevenire allagamenti e far circolare l'aria.

This is a typical villa with green and plants not far from where we live. Living in a hot and torrential climate, these typical wooden villas are elevated from the ground to prevent flooding and air circulation.


  1. Wish that was my house!! happy new year to you!

  2. I would just like to visit and stay in such a lovely villa.

  3. What a beautiful home. Great shot.

  4. The details in the railing are wonderful! I guess flooding must be a potential problem in many places in Australia! I've always thought of Australia as being a very dry continent but I guess that is not always so!


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